Director, Jessica Bradley will be tutoring the Sustainable Studio at USYD School of Architecture, commencing February 2019, and it got us reflecting on Sustainability, and what that really means to us.
A commitment to Sustainability is a moral undertaking. It is a commitment to a brighter, better, fairer future for all. A commitment to a bigger purpose.
Sustainability for us, is therefore an ethical approach to design and architecture, and in order for this to be holistic, we seek to embrace this commitment from the very foundations of our practice.
One cannot embody moral philosophies if they are not applied to all aspects of the business. For example, a practice founded on its ethics must commit to their staff. “Practice what you preach,” for staff culture and wellbeing is demonstrative of the core office values.
What else does sustainability mean to us? A building that is resourced locally and delivered in a collaborative environment embeds sustainability into the broader community, the architecture is a product of the end user, born from its context.
We believe that sustainable architecture is one that is site specific, flexible, adaptable, and beautiful. Architecture that will remain standing for 100+ years because it served its purpose better than anything else in its place.